Annual Tree Maintenance June 2021



The regular pruning of the street trees will be carried out by Gareth Wellburn, our tree surgeon, in the week of 21st June. 2021

 As is standard and required practice, Gareth submitted a summary of the proposed work to Gavin Rees, Islington’s Tree Officer. Gavin came to review the trees; in discussion with Gareth, and with reference to the report supplied by Greenwood Arboriculture, including the detailed internal decay-detection information, it has been decided that the horse chestnut outside no. 79 should be removed. The alternative strategy – the substantial reduction (pollard) of the tree crown to a point 3m below the most recent pruning points, with additional pruning in response to substantial decay located at the base of the tree – would allow the tree to be retained a little longer but would also significantly reduce its amenity value as well as be detrimental to its condition as large pruning wounds would be created. Gavin Rees does not regularly approve tree-removal in the borough and this decision is for arboricultural reasons. The tree will be removed soon and will be replaced later in the year.
